The Skinny:
- Say thanks and link back to the presenter of the award.
- Share "10 Honest Things" about myself.
- Present this award to 5 others whose blogs I find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged me.
- Tell those 5 people they've been awarded HONEST SCRAP and inform them of these guidelines upon receiving.
10 Honest Things About Simone S.
1. I love hard.... When I'm in a relationship I'm absolutely committed to the end...All eyes are on you baby & no one else... I may smile & appreciate a compliment from another but my attention is where my heart lies...
2. I'm a Impulse shopper... When I see something I want there's no question.. It's mine...But lately, I've been unable to shop the way I want or use to based off my responsibilities, (i.e, bills, mortgage, my son, etc)..So you can imagine the withdrawal symptoms I'm facing as we speak (lol)
3.Daydreaming is a major part of my thought process... I love to vision the fairy tale like outcomes... The what if factors on how life would be if it was totally different from what it is... I'm a big dreamer.. And there are times when I actually dream & those dreams come true to a certain degree... I wouldn't say I'm psychic..lol.. But I do believe dreams have a significant meaning behind them...
4. Many of my close friends know that I have a Hair obsession... My hair has to be washed every Sunday before work.. I hate hate hate oily hair & I constantly check my hair on a consistent basis.. Mirror on deck at all times to be certain every strand is in place..
5. I'm super moody...There are times when I want to be LEFT ALONE.. it's nothing personal... it is what it is...
6. I have a powerful tongue... I must say, I have a way with words... And there are moments when I get beside myself & say I what I feel... And that isn't always a good thing.. I'm very opinionated & have an instilled passion for what i believe in.. One may say "I'm the friend to ask for advice" but if you cross me, my kind words can become cut throat...
7. Being a Mom is truly a blessing.. And I believe this is the greatest time of my life.. Actually molding this little person( my son) into what he will become is breathtaking... There is never a dull moment & I take pride in being a teacher while showing him life's purpose...
8. I'm a Reality Show Junkie...Ok, I know... I have to watch my reality shows.. Hell, that all that's on T.V. nowadays.. I blame Flava of Love... But I can't help it... I have to watch The Hills, Makin' the Band, RHOA, Orange County, & New York, Project Runway, The love of Ray J., Real Chance of Love, I want to work for Diddy, The City, & the list goes on... Don't judge, just join...
9. I wish I had a better relationship with my sister.....We never had that closeness between us that most sisters have & there are times when I wish we did.. But I guess, what is to be will be.. And I only hope that one day we will have that even if it's just for a moment...
10. I'm stuck in a 80's State of Mind.. I was born in the 80's & I'm stuck mentally in that era... Give me Madonna, who's that girl, ghetto gold door knockers, leather mini's , lace gloves & side pony tails.. I'm a 80's baby..baby..LOL...
TSHC picks 5 bloggers
The Doll @ NoirLace
Ms Sly @ MsSly
kimberly @ Black Style Central
Fashion Without Guilt
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Congrats to you!
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