So as Jess & I were sitting in the pre-meeting for HLFW I noticed all of the over excited fashion students just craving at their moment of potentially becoming the next big fashion icon...As they clenched their note pads jotting down notes that Layla K mentioned so they wouldn't miss an ounce of detail.. (the CEO and Founder of the Couture Connoisseur Fashion Network) I thought to myself " wow, here we are over the age of 21, mothers, & a ton of responsibility & yet we too are living out our dream" With that being said, it's never too late to dream big & to go for what you want!!! So enough of the preaching, lets get to the details on HLFW!!!
The actual event begins on Tues 9/16/08 with the meet & greet amongst the designers & models.. Then the fashion shows & all the other activities kick of on 9/18- 9/21... for more details http://www.hautelantafashionweek.com/
HauteLanta Fashion Week will be a great experience for us to grow & evolve into what we would love to become... OHHHHHH..Let's not forget the amount of Networking we'll be doing!!! Because REMEMBER... it's not what you know.. It's who you know!!!!
From the Red Carpet, to the Eyelash booth, to the impressive line-up of edgy designers & fierce models, HLFW will make history again in Atlanta with the hopes of reaching the caliber of NYC FASHION WEEK!!! Stay tuned for our back stage pics & details!!!
This event sure sounds like lots of excitment and FUN!!! Wish I was there to cover it ^_^
Maybe next time, who knows.
And I totally agree with you on the fact that we should never stop dreaming and believing in ourselves, that's the key to success.
Keep it up Ladies, I will add your blog on my Fav Blog list to keep a close eye on your Fashion tips! Check me out too.
Miss SLY
it was fun hanging with you ladies!! see ya soon
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