Ladies & some Gents, Take a peek at contributing writer Anita Hill's Top 5 Summer Make-Up Tips...
Well, summer is officially here, and it's HOTTT in HOTlanta! …. The other day, I made the mistake of leaving my make up bag in my car on one of my many trips to the shopping mall..... and it just so happened to be 100 degrees that day, and with the greenhouse effect with my car windows, when I got back to the car, my poor make-up looked like a collage of melted crayons. It was so hot that the tube of my lip gloss was all contorted like an overheated hot dog. Now that's HOT! !! Well.......have no fear ladies, since I personally love to look fierce and flawless, even in the summer months, I've done my research and came up with five ways to prevent the Summer "Make-Up Meltdown."
#1. Choose the Right Foundation. The key is to choose an oil- free, "silicone- based" foundation (preferably liquid or cream powder). Silicone is very important because it is resistant to heat and water.
Recommendations: Bobby Brown Essentials, Iman Second to None, and Neutrogena Healthy Skin
#2. Cream Stick Blushes and Cream Eye shadow.
In the summer, you really want to stay away from combining powder and sweat on your face. It's just not a good idea.
Recommendations: I highly recommend Bobbi Brown's Sheer Color Cheek Tint. It glides on smooth, gives you that natural, flushed look, and stays on all day. Bobbi Brown also offers a great cream eye shadow.
#3. Good Ol' Petroleum Jelly and Gel.
Yes,....I said it...."Vaseline" is a great alternative to mascara during the summer months. Just dab a little on your eyelashes and refine your look with an eyelash curler, and you're set to go. Also, instead of using your usual eyeliner, you can opt to use a gel-based eyeliner instead.
Recommendations: For those who may be a little reluctant to use Vaseline, a clear, gel-based mascara will do just fine. Bobbi Brown also has a gel-based eyeliner.
#4. Tinted Lip Gloss.
I personally, prefer lip gloss over lipstick, but in the summer months, it is a must have....Especially, since most lipsticks contains waxes and emollients, which leads to "the melt-down."
Recommendations: Any one of your favorite lip glosses should do just fine.
#5. DON’T LEAVE YOUR MAKE-UP IN THE CAR! (This one’s important)
You don’t want to experience that tragic moment I faced when I returned to my car and discovered a make-up massacre in my make-up bag.
So, ladies….I hope that these tips have been helpful…..Until next time, “Stay fierce and flawless!”