A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure to interview Brian Keitt, President & Founder of Nevaeh Jeans Co. Born in Hollis, Queens, Brian Keitt is ready to unleash his "Out The Box" designs & take the fashion industry by storm.. Check out this exclusive interview below...
TSHC: "Can you introduce yourself & where you're from"?
BK: "My name is Brian Keitt, president & founder of Nevaeh Jeans Co, born & raised in Hollis Queens"..
TSHC: "Ok, let's touch on your brand, Nevaeh Jeans Co., Where does your inspiration for the line stem from"?
BK: "I've had quite a few people ask me this question & honestly I'm a person who's fascinated by originality & I'm really BIG on colors".. I also appreciate free people who are comfortable with themselves & aren't down by anything.. & that gives me the inspiration to design..
TSHC: "How did you come up with the concept to name your brand Nevaeh Jeans"?
BK: "Wow, No one has ever asked me that before.. When I was in high school, I was sitting in the library one day & this dude name Ervin was there & he wrote a word down .. He asked me what the word said.. & of course, i didn't know but he told me that it was HEAVEN spelled backwards.. I was amazed & told myself that if I ever had a daughter, I would name her NEVAEH.. So when I started my clothing line, people frequently asked the name of my brand.. & Although, I don't have a daughter, my clothing line is my baby so I finally decided to name it Nevaeh Jeans Co"...
TSHC: "Ok, I'm feelin' that.. So I did a little homework.. With your background experience as a fashion consultant/stylist for Barney's, did that pave the way to start your own clothing line & if so, how?"
BK: "Barney's was a stepping stone for me & I believe wherever you go in life everything should be a step up... While I worked there, I really didn't know too much people & I can't say that Barney's helped me to where I am today.. But it was a step up for me"..
TSHC: "Is there one word that describes your personal style"?
BK: "I would have to say the word that describes my personal style would be "Peculiar".
TSHC: "Of course we know that Nevaeh Jeans Co is the next best thing but are there any designers you consider "Haute in the game"?
BK: " Let's start off with Ralph Lauren, my favorite designer.. I feel that he should be every designers favorite designer.. He has everything on smash right now. Every where in the world somebody is wearing Polo.. Ralph Lauren is an icon & brilliant guy..
TSHC: "Can you offer any advice to future designers looking to launch their line"?
BK: "Ahhh man, be yourself.. I preach that all the way through.. You know how a rapper may have writers block? Well, designers can get designer block & when your not being yourself, you try so hard to look at what's already out there & then you find yourself in a bind..Nowadays, the fashion industry is so cut throat while today you can be on top & tomorrow on the bottom, & nobody would even know or care about you.. So it's very important to be yourself!! Write it down, & don't forget"!
TSHC: What can we look forward to in 2009 from Nevaeh Jeans Co.?
BK: "We have the RUN DMC inspired Nevaeh T-shirts & some really unique logos coming out real soon..We also have the launch party coming out in June, so stay tuned for that.. And you can find us on Myspace & Facebook for updates on Nevaeh Jeans Co.
TSHC: "And Finally, If there was one person of "celebrity status" that you would like to see rockin' your designs on the red carpet who would that be & why"?
BK: "It would have to be Kanye because he's swaggered up all the way.. I like his style & attitude & he doesn't just wear the clothes, he makes the clothes speak.. You don't find many people in the industry like that & you can tell Kanye goes in his room & puts on his own clothes without a stylist involved".. And since he's been in the industry he's been swaggered up & that's what attracts me...
For pricing on Nevaeh Jeans Co. hit up